Sunday, May 16, 2010

San Isidro

San Isidro, or Saint Isidore (whoever that is) is the patron saint of Madrid and also the reason behind the most important festival of Madrid. It's not anything grandly spectacular like the Fallas, but its a nice little party. Last year I went to the San Isidro bullfights and yesterday I went with my roommates to the festival in true, okay more false than true, Chulapo style. Chulapo is not to be confused with Chulapa. Anyways the short of it is that the chulapo refers to the 'traditional' dress of the Madridians. The men remind me of 'newsies' and the women remind me of, Well i suppose a spanish woman in a spanish dress with a flower on her head......

This couple was posing as a statue and they actually did pretty good. I thought they were real. The only thing that gave them away was the fact that they were breathing. The woman had her eye open the whole time and didnt even blink. The city of Saint Isodore is truely blessed with endless talent.

(Notice men that dress like newsies and women with flower on head. These are Chulapos and Chulapas. There are also mannnny baby versions, but i dont have any pictures of them)

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