Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tomorrow's the Big Day

In the past two days I have sat in front of the television approximately 8 hours. I have finally caught up on my pop culture and reality tv.... TLC, MTV, VH1, CMT, etc. I forgot how entertaining the television can be. Now I am going to start my summer reading. It consists of finishing three books with I have started:

-Diario de un Erasmus (spanish)
-Abril Encantado (Spanish)
-Brideshead Revisited (English)

I have love hate relationship with reading, but I know that it is good for my brain so amidst all the fun and exciting things around here I have set reading goals for the summer. Like most goals.. we'll see how they turn out.

I am also, as usual try to keep up with my blog, with the usual problem of having NOTHING interesting to say. I will try to do new and interesting thing everyday at least for the sake of having something to write about.

Tomorrow: World Cup Final. :)

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