Saturday, January 17, 2009

MMMMM pretty much better.

So everyone can sleep better tonight...the bruising is going through the color changing process and well on its way to full recovery. It doesnt hurt when I sit normally.

Lately I feel that every idle moment, or at least the moments that I am not quite interested in, are spent thinking and dreaming about summer. For those of you that dont know, as of now I plan to spend the summer in the states from mid-June until the end of September. I have great visions that I am going to become rich and have many friends. muh hahaha Still not quite sure how to go about achieving that.... but anyways I hope to be stationed in the midwest and venture out east sometime. Get your party pants on! Yep Grammy, that includes you.

I am really proud of myself and would like to share with everyone that this past week I went to class all 5 days and I had an intercambio. Thats the most structured Learning that i have ever done in one week since I arrived here. My Spanish exam is coming up on the 26th.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I am clapping for you. Way to go to class!