Sunday, November 20, 2011


I've been hiding this for weeks now... not only am I completely devasted and embarrassed, but also slightly/severely in denial.  My coffee plant has died.  I thought it was the perfect decoration for some new shelves I put up, but the little bugger didnt quite think so and when I went to check on him last week he was completely dead.  All cruchy and what not.  I figured the solution was water, lots of water.  I spent five straight days drenching his dirt in water to no avail. 

I took him for granted and it was too late to make ammends.  My poor plant, gone.  My first thought was "I'm going to redeem myself.  I will grow a plant from scratch, from a seed.  I will plant, water, and care for it until it is big strong and green!"  But, when I told my friend Victoria about the incident.  She replied in a text..."There's always some nice felt plants out there... crisp ones that look real and never die."  I was a little hurt by her comment, but a voice in the back of my head squeked out...Maybe she is right.  Maybe I am not cut out for this whole live plant thing.  I tried to make a good life in my home for the three of them, but somehow one slipped between the cracks and DIED.  I have some serious thinking to do before I replace my poor dead plant.

1 comment:

kiltrunner said...

Hey don't feel bad, they were from IKEA, right? My dad has fake plants and he loves them!!! Miss you :)