Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Parking Ticket

A while back I got a parking ticket because I parked too close to a driveway.  The regulated distance in Milwaukee is 4 feet.  It clearly showed in the picture from the parking maid and on my ticket that I was parked at zero feet from the driveway.  Who even knew that the little parking Jeeps take a picture of every single mis-parked car in Milwaukee?  Well, now we all know this.  If you get a ticket they will provide you with photo-evidence.

Anyways, so the story begins when I shared my frustration with the girl in the cube next door and she recommended that I contest it.  "But I have no argument, I was parked at zero distance and I really didn't know there was a 4 foot regulation.  Although, it is completely logical."  She said- just call the number, make an appointment and it takes about 5 minutes to go in there and they excuse it.

So rather than just pay the thirty bucks I called.  The appointment would serve as a legitimate excuse to be late to work and I will NEVER outgrow the joy of playing hookey.  I'm not sure why I had to make an appointment 1 month out because I walked in to an empty office.  I waited five minutes until a man called my name and asked me to plead my case in front of a screen showing my car parked right at the edge of a driveway.  I did not expect this part of the meeting..."Well, I didn't want to park any cars in and I really only parked there for a couple minutes so that i could run in the building and change my laundry."

He quickly dismissed my ticket and told me to park legally from now on.

I don't know why the story intrigues me.  It is just weird to me that they waived my ticket.  I'm still not sure if it was worth the $30, but I guess it was just interesting to me.  If you are bored at work someday you should try it too.

That $30 immediately went towards the late charge on my best buy bill.  However, now I'm thinking about calling best buy to see if I can get that one waived too..........

A pointless story to amuse you.  I think it may also attest to the monotony and lack of excitement in my life....or maybe I just appreciate small every day experiences?  Yes, that's definitely it.

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