I can't say enough about little Roman. He's a bucket of sunshine with too much personality for his own good. I love watching the little ones grow into their personalities. All three are so different and last weekend was the weekend of the ROMANATOR.

He is such a BOY. He shouts, throws things, marches around and loves his trucks. He's very social and loves to laugh with the grown-ups. When he gets really excited he gets happy happy happy feet.... to the point that i saw him fall over. :)

On the other hand he randomly busts out his sweet side. He gives hugs, bends down and talks to you in a gentle little jibberish voice, and walks around on his tippy-toes.

Anyways, the reason for the trip was that my rockstar brother-in-law (who lives in Philly) is somehow playing for the Chicago Riot and, being the great negotiator he is, cut a deal to have Anne and Roman fly in with him for his game in Milwaukee.

I can't really think of anything special that we did during the weekend besides watch Roman and hang around. We went to the game. (Anthony scored 2 goals!!!!! at least according to my blog) Other than that it was coziness, eating, and fires in the fireplace.

I love my sister and all of them, it was great to see them and I am crossing my fingers that Ant can work out another deal like that soon!
Roman and Amaya can finally share and play together. It was so adorable they were running and giggling and chasing eachother! :) And below is my only picture with my sister........

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