Backtracking. Still not caught up, but of course I will have a New Year's Resolution to be a better
blogger or something like that so that I will get caught up soon.....
Anyways I never got to mention how great the wedding was. (Part 3 of my 3 part journey to Boston, AND the actual reason for my journey to Boston)
I met up with the ol' college friends on Friday Night and we were all together until our departures to various cities on Sunday afternoon :(
It was so great to see all my bestest friends in the world. We caught up and had a blast at the hotel and the wedding/reception.
Below.... (Katie Pryor and Kate) Kate and I were paired as roommates our freshman year in College. It was possibly the most perfect fit EVER. She now lives in Baltimoreish area and is a nurse.

I FINALLY met Becca's daughter Leah. She is a blast. (Becca is another UDer originally from Wisconsin. She just moved to Texas!)

Our table... At the very end you can see the Lively family and part of Kathleen's family. Which I really dont know if i remember her new last name...... opps.
Katie Pryor with Alissa's eldest two. Hehe sooo cute.
This little lady ruled the dance floor.