So Javi and I decided to leave Spain for a bit. We went to Morocco, without a plan, guide and very little knowledge of the culture. We were both lost and a little confused, but had a great time. We mostly got around with Spanish. The rest was pointing and hand gestures. We learned a couple words, well Javi did. The only word I remember is ¨Chockadan¨ (or something like that) which means Thank-you.

Okay, so at ANY hour of any day, this is what it looked like outside all the cafes. Notice. All the men lined up facing the street. Only men. At first I felt kinda wierd even walking by them, but after a day you get used to things just being plain different. I guess the men there just dont work?????

This is the market in the Medina. Medina is the name they use in Arabic for the center of the city. or the city. or something like that.

Prayer time.... And yes, they do call out three times a day for prayer (Like in the Movie Sex in the City 2) Oh but the thing is that not everyone is like this. I did see someone prayer in the middle of a store, but a lot of the people dont wear special clothes or get down and pray in the middle of anywhere.

This is possibly the most touristic thing i have EVER done, but hey it was fun. This was my camel ride in the dessert..... basically what the kids do at the zoo, but cooler because it was in Morocco and I had to barter the price to ride it.

Us and Liela the camel

This is how the dude gets up and down. pretty rough ride.

Okay one of the most confusing things about the culture was that when you talk about the price the people always want to barter and are super mean to you, but then they are also SUPER nice. This guy was funny.

I love the little kids that come around trying to sell you gum and kleenex. This little guy was so cute, but didnt want his picture taken so started making all sorts of crazy faces. We laughed with him for a while and gave him some candy. Apparently gummy worms are a universal delight.

I suppose that this sign says ¨stop¨ in sanskrit.

Okay if you look really closely you can see that the woman is wearing sunglasses. The all out uniformed women have to wear their glasses and sunglasses on the outside of the outfit. You cant see any part of them or thier face. nothing.


A lot of the old men dress like this with the hood up and everything....

This is the tower where the man is supposed to shout for prayer three times a day. However, thannks to technology there is just a giant speaker up there and you dont actually get to see dude climb up there and shout.

So these are typical pastries there. What you can´t see is that this window is filled with bees crawling all over them. mmmmmmm.

Not really sure what to do with this menu. At least i can read the prices of everything.


We finally got a picture together in the airport as we were leaving.

On this trip I actually finished a book. Eat Love Pray. I like it, but it definately intensified my desire to go to India or Nepal or somewhere like that....... the world is too big.
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