As a child we always had one of these hanging in my house. Ya know one of those things that is there but you never touch or use and arent really sure if it is a toy or antique, but you never really think about it. Its just another decoration.
Anyways, here they are still in use. And i took an official lesson from an authentic old Spanish man in how to use one the other day.
More pictures from a day at Victor´s Finca.....

(Above is Javi and Victor, the owner of Victor´s Finca. He invited us to his place for lunch a few weekends ago. By the way, Victor is awesome and definately the most active 70 year old I have seen in my life)

Javi and a horse. Jorge and a donkey.

Spain will play another world cup game tomorrow. The town will stand still. If they lose everyone will take the flags off thier balconies. Let´s hope for the best. BUT everyone knows where my heart reeeeally is.... Wednesday. :)
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