Thursday, May 13, 2010

A discovery from China

I love finding new health foods. My newest discovery are Goji Berries otherwise called Wolfberries. They are bright orange-red berries from Tibet. I suppose I dont need to mention that they are an official 'superfruit' Anyways, outside of China they are always consumed in a dried form like a raisin.

I am still figuring out how you are really supposed to eat them. I just like to throw them on salads, in yogurt or in oatmeal. I cant really tell you the benefits of them, but i have been told you should eat twenty a day. They are packed with vitamins, antioxidants and probably have super anti-cancer agents.

Of course lets check it out on wikipedia:

"Companies marketing the berries often also include the unsupported claim that a Chinese man named Li Qing Yuen, who was said to have consumed wolfberries daily, lived to the age of 252 years (1678–1930), another one of the numerous myths surrounding the health benefits of wolfberry."

Thats all i need to be convinced about the greatness of the newest salad topper in my kitchen cabinet.

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