Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Something somewhat exciting happened yesterday.

It was my first encounter with real live pick-pocketers. (So scratch that stereotype off your list of things that we associate with Europe. It is not as full of thieves as you may think) Anyways, I was riding along on the metro reading my book about learning to drive in Spain, when a young lad shouted out "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. That man right there, no that one, Yes You. He is up to no good. I saw him get off the subway and change and get into a different car."

Of course the man rebuttled to which the valient and honorable young passenger replied "We ALL know what you are up to. Don't even try it." The crowds parted like the red sea and everyone just stared at the villian. He stood in the middle, dumbfounded and foolish. One elderly woman shouted "thank-you" in a shaky old voice. Then everyone started spitting at him and shouting bible verses. The train stopped and he quickly ran off with his head down in shame. Everyone cheered.

Okay that was a glorified version. There was actually what i counted as three of them working in a group and take out the spitting and the cheering as well as him leaving with his head down in shame. He just left the train like it was any other day. But I know he probably felt really dumb. at least i hope so.

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