This is a lady hanging on a trapeze from a bunch of helium balloons. She was doing flips and all that jazz. I am not exactly sure what culture it goes with, but it was really pretty and original.
BELOW are some giraffes, I suppose from Africa?? Anyways, as you can see they are each controlled by two people on stilts. The front person holds strings that are connected to and control the head. THey were really funny and kept crashing into the butt of the person in front of them. I guess they couldnt see very well in the costume.

Yes, we were probably the biggest kids at the parade. And NO Javi did not let me sit on his shoulders.......
BELOW are some big, I mean HUGE, aztecish balloons that they kept crashing into the crowd. It was fun. AHHHHHH, I dont wanna here any feedback comments about the english that i am lacking. I am gonna start to read in English this week I promise.
Those were the parts of the parade in which they were NOT throwing candy. The rest of the parade I was on the ground and in the air catching all the candy that I could. Specifically the gummy candies, the good ones. (Within reason.... I didnt go to the extreme of stealing from the little ones). Then at the end of the parade we jumped the fence and colllected allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the candy that was in the middle of street where the parade was. I never wanna grow up.
Here is all the candy in the tire of one of the police vans that was in the parade.
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