When my roommate Isa returned from Torrevieja (on Friday), we finished off Christmas vacation with another christmas party, specifically a 'Christmas Barbeque,' better said a 'Christmas Spanish Barbeque.'

Anyways we had a bbq in the kitchen on a couple of griddles. That lasted 10 minutes until we blew a circuit. We had to downsize to one griddle, but it worked out well. I dont really know how to translate the menu...... lots of sausage and grease and fat?? Oh and cheeseburgers too. There werent any buns for anything, but of course there was lots of fresh bread, lambrusco, singstar, video games, and a card game called moose. It is most likely not spelled moose, but definately pronounced the same as the European Elk. (I think that is british for the word Moose)

Unfortuneately I now am back to real life again. Deep down I want to think that I like my job, but I have a 'hate work complex' that gets in the way. I laugh and time flies, I think I am also adjusting to having an afternoon schedule instead of a morning schedule. Things are coming along. :)
It's been snowy and rainy and cold. Waiting for spring, or summer or autumn, whatever is not winter.