So the light at the end of the tunnel is finally here. NOT the one about death, but the other one in the expression "at least i know there is light at the end of the tunnel" Okay, I hear ya CONFUSING. I think by teaching english, my english is getting worse everyday. I start speaking in really wierd, made up phrases. By the way, and honestly I am looking for feedback on this..... What does "to get the short end of the stick" mean? According to one of my textbooks, I have misunderstood this my entire LIFE!
Anyways, back to my original thought. The intensive course (6-10pm) is ending TODAY. This means I can get home before 10:30 at night and go back to a somewhat normal life that involves sleep and a little more happiness. I can say it has been a good experience on account of not only the money, but also I have learned a ton. For example, yesterday I taught them the 3rd conditional- BET YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT IS. Well I do. I have also learned lots about many different random topics, do you know what a pit-crew does in the pit during a pit stop? Okay, maybe you do know this, well now I know too. I can break down the 30 seconds before the car stops, as well as the ten seconds during the stop.
Okay so back to life besides work.... last week I completed my participation in a particular climbing study that is being conducted in Madrid. It was pretty cool. The pictures tell the story, except they dont emphasize the fact that the man drew blood from my ears like 483670348 times, leaving them bloody and bruised. Okay, I suppose the pictures dont tell the whole story, but since my technical spanish is not very good, they tell you as much as I know about the story. Anyways, the man doing the study is Jorge, he's a champ and a firefighter.
This is a mask with oxygen tanks used to make you feel like a cross between a ninja turtle and darth vader when you are climbing: (It might also have something to do with monitoring your breathing)
This measures your strength.... I dont know what the numbers really mean, but I got a 36 with my right and approx a 30 with my left. I am very right hand dominant:
A plague went thru my house, but i didnt get it... I am healthy and stronger than ever. Sleep deprived, but super strong.
I broke the mailbox yesterday. Now I have a way of getting mail. This means I can now post my address........
C/Sisebuto 7, 1D
28011 Madrid, ES
Anyways, things here are on the upswing and starting to get cold. Check back soon, as usual I am making the resolution to write MORE often. I miss everyone. :)
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