10:30 am Saturday morning I am in bed sleeping when a loud voice over a megaphone blows through the window: "MONA LISA POTATOES 5 kilograms half-price.... Come and get them, dont pass up this deal! And we have garlic and onion. All brought by the man in the van with the blonde girl straight from the farm this morning." I wasn't planning on waking up quite yet, but since the pitch will probably last another half hour, I might as well. Oh sweet Spain. Its not that uncommon to hear people selling or chanting random things over megaphones. Last year I never understood them, but yep theres no doubt: the dude was determined to sell those Mona lisa potatoes at half price. :)
Well, I just finished Sunday dinner and am all pysched for tomorrow. I'm gonna go with javi's sister Isa (Isabel) to run an errand in the a.m. and then I have 5 dates to see different apartments. I'll report later.

This is a picture from Thursday night, the Birthday of Javi AND give everyone their gifts from America night. I am gonna go ahead and say it was a success, except that everyone was confused by all the "made in china" stickers on their American gifts.
Another picture, because everyone loves pictures..... This is -left to right -me, Dani and David. Dani and I were talking because we weren't quite sure if we were in the picture or not.... Javi's dad has the same shoot at random picture style as my dad :)

1 comment:
Oooh...Dani is cute.
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