Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough

So WHEN any of you statesiders come to visit me we might just have to hit up the zoo. This weekend I was pleasantly surprised by all the Madrid Zoo has to offer, including 2 panda bears, dancing dolphin trainers, circus trained brown bears, and a lot of prohibited up close and personal interaction with the animals.

Where to start? The most impressive fact I learned at the zoo is that peanuts are eaten by nearly every terrestrial animal on this planet. Now lets let the pictures do the talking........

Well, of course everyone knows that elephants eat peanuts.....And numerous species of monkeys. These guys were awesome- they climbed to the top of the cage, stuck their hands out and were moving around catching everything. Seriously, monkeys have an amazing catch.This guy looked a little lonely, so of course he got the pity peanuts.... Well the turtle had troubles picking the peanuts up, lacked the opposable thumbs.
These guys seriously knew how to work the crowds. Look at them!Dolphin show:These were probably one of the ugliest animals. Them or the camels........

These guys were the most fun......

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