Roman was here not to long ago and took over the Collins household with his smile, charm, laugh and non-stop in your face ENERGY! He is a sunshine kid and of all the little ones we have romping around lately, he is definitely the loudest. He never stops. I'm sad he is gone, but thank God for facetime.
Last time Roman was in town, I taught him the joys of Redi Whip in a Can. This time I took the liberty of teaching him how to 'steam roll' things with his body. He started by steamrolling Anne. (Picture below) He also expanded to steamroll all his toys... with his face.

SinceRoman happened to be in town for the big annual climbing competeion, he came to cheer on all the climbers.
Roman also organized a Birthday party with cupcakes (yay!) and presents (woo hoo!)for my oldest brother, Adam. Adam doesn't really like his birthday and probably will kill me for mentioning that he turned 35. But we all know that birthdays are good for you....whoever has the most lives the longest.
Happy Birthday Adam!
Henry likes Birthday parties too! He helped to blow out the candles, unwrap the presents, and of course eat the cake.
Roman played with the cars, his cousins, Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Mark, and of course Grandpa. Since all the rest of us are grown ups now, Grandpa had so much fun having Roman around to play with him!