Thanksgiving. What an awesome Holiday. Since my return from Spain I feel like my life has gotten progressively faster every day. Now, in the full swing of things it sometimes feels like I live an organized chaos with the never ending goal of running from one task to the next without missing a beat, neglecting anyone, or falling short on the many necessary initiatives to make my life better. I can't decide if I thrive on the hussle or it simply exhuasts my life and time.... either way on Thanksgiving this is all put aside.
Thanksgiving day I spent over an hour setting the table so that everything was just so and took the time to finally put something in the oven and hang out with my mom. It felt so good to go home for a few days and put aside every obligation (except my laundry). I skipped my work out at the gym, put on that dress I've been waiting to wear, drank an extra glass of wine, played video games with my brothers and caught up with Mark until 3am.
We had 2 turkeys. My dad makes his on the grill and my mom's is done in the oven. My favorite new recipe was sweet potatoes. I love sweet potatoes, but have never ventured to do anything with them. It was really simple: We baked them in the oven. Ran them under cold water, peeled, and cut them. Poured apple cider over them and put them in the fridge to be reheated the next day.
Lately Mark has been experimenting with different facial hair styles. This new and controversial style was inspired by Mike Collins in the 70's. Creepy or not? hmmmmm
It was great to have Grandpa and Sweetie with us on Thanksgiving. As winter migrators they are normally in Florida by November, but with thier trip delayed they came to add to the numbers.
Our little princess: 2 going on... 21? (j/k of course, its grape juice) Besides, if you ask her, she is still a baby. My favorite quote from the day was when I asked her if the 'chipmunk in her belly' ate nuts and she replied that it ate dough-nuts. Her and Pete love word play.
I love that we always have more pies than we can handle and I know that I will be having pie and coffee for breakfast for the next week straight.....It counts as a serving of fruit. or two if you have two pieces.

According to my blog, I officially have the cutest godson in the world:
They finally got the whole hug-tackle thing down. They have gotten used to the inevitable tumble and now dont scream or cry or anything, although it does take a little bit for them to figure out how to get up from it.

Holidays are great. I leave you with some trivia: In 1827, Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale began lobbying several Presidents for the proclamation of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. It didn't see success until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln finally made it a national holiday with his 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation. (Prior to this other presidents made one-time Thanksgiving holidays)