One thing is clearly evident: I've been doing a pretty bad job of keeping up/continuing my blog. I have to fit it into my new routine here I guess, which is something that is also forming.
Okay so a quick update to catch you up before I delve into my next adventures....
I got a car, not just any car, a car that is probably too good for me. A 2011 Ford Focus.....However, using my wit, I have managed to justify every package and upgrade that I added to it, including my moonroof, light up cup holders, and heated seats. Obviously the heated seats were easiest to justify as Wisconsin is quickly living up to its fame for being cold (of course we all remember Jack Dawson's reference to the cold Wisconsin winters in the movie Titanic).
That was step 1 to my transition back home. I am also working for my mom at her stores, working a games kiosk (board games) at the mall during the holidays and exploring Milwaukee. For kicks, I'll also add the eating too much factoid. Trading the Mediterranean diet and public transportation for Burgers and a sporty little coup is taking its toll on me.
My thoughts on being home? It's been a weird quick transition. Things are still settling in and especially with the onset of dark cold winter, I miss Spain quite a bit. However, the perks of being here are my friends and family and I would not trade that for anything. Besides, I have heated seats now. Come February I plan to get my resume together and am toying with the idea of searching for a 'real job', but anyone who knows me, knows that anything can happen in the next few months....... or days.