Monday, March 30, 2009
I am still not sure I am cut out for teaching, but we are having a good time. Today we were practicing phone calls. One person would go into another room and call the rest of the class (and me) on speakerphone in the conference room. It was, well, ummm, they struggled a lot. But in the end we all laughed a lot. We are gonna have to go back and practice it again another day......... This should be a 1-2 day lesson. So far we have been doing it 3 days...........I am giving up.
I think the next topic we are going to do is hotels. Checking in/out, reserving, complaints, requests etc...... Any ideas you all have are always appreciated. :)
Oh This weekend I saw Grand Torino. I am certain it must have the same title in both English and Spanish. I cried and cried at the end. Not just a little. A lot. I always cry during movies these days. i am no sure what has happened to me. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing? Well, here's my theory. After being approximately one year without really watching television or anything, I am have become completely SENSITIZED. to any sort of movie or television... maybe? i literally dont watch any tv or movies. maybe a little hannah montana, but thats it. I suppose i could research it. OR maybe it could be i am just really comfortable with my emotions.
Well its been a while since I have studied ANY spanish. i swear, this week will be better........
My sister is gonna have a baby BOY due in August. and Thats the latest news on my mind. See you next time. Have a good day.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Did you know that Johann Sebastian Bach has a classical piece called "Air on the G-String"
Finally got that picture of me with the Botijo. Thanks to Jorge (George for english speakers).....

Its this sort of magical ceramic jug that chills water. It has something to do with science, but as the temperature rises, the water inside cools.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oh first and foremost I have some news to share..... I started teaching on Monday! Yeah all professional and stuff. I do important things now. I make a difference in the lives of 5 really prestigious business professionals. I teach them how to connect and communicate with the rest of the world through the use of the English Language. I'm pretty much a hot shot. People run to fetch me coffee with two packets of raw organic brown sugar and soy milk.
Okay, so I just go to this business two times a week for 1.5 hour long english classes, but its fun. Well, Ive only had one class so far and time flew. We will see how things unfold, but I am excited to test the waters and get my foot in the door for my return in fall. Today is class #2.
In light of the new job, I took last weekend off from (the ever stressful and terrible world of) climbing and spent saturday relaxing in a gigantic and amazing park called the park of Juan Carlos I. (he was a king in spain) The day was highlighted by a nice sun burn on the back of my right shoulder. And Sunday was spent around the house for the Birthday of VICTORIA. YEAHHH!!!! She is now 41. :) We had a little party and as most of you already know, ate.
This might be getting too long without fotos. So i am gonna cut to the chase.... Tomorrow is the feast of St. Joseph's and FATHER's day. Makes sense, right? So everyone here is off tomorrow and Friday! Goin climbing!
See ya, wouldnt wanna be ya.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
To be continued....

Some random thoughts to let you know I am still alive:
-When and how did I become so dependant on coffee?
-The weekend was great and I am back to studying.
-Everyone seems to have some sort of cold or flu or something.....
-Dang I am so happy winter has gone. I think we are gonna start eating outside on the terraza this week..... :)
-Javi's parents went to Chinchon and brought me back a botijo. (I dont know if that is how it is spelled.)
"The Spanish botijo is a water bottle made of unglazed earthenware that cools the water it contains by evaporation. It is a very environmentally friendly way of cooling, which has proved to be successful during hundreds of years."
Monday, March 2, 2009
Well. I am counting down the months, days and minutes.
Caroline and I: (over half my pictures come out blurry. sorry. but you all pretty much know what i look like already.)
Oh, actually this one turned out nice. Its not blurry at all...