How in the heck is it possible that the clock on my computer runs slow? I have to give it like a ten minute boost every couple months. Drives me Crazy. No, just makes me a little behind...I even tried to have it synched with the internet time or whatever. No success.

So yesterday morning, at the end of the news program they had a short little clip from an Irish band that was playing in Madrid the other night. Normal, you know the typical irish band... Olderish men, button-down shirt with the top buttons undone, trousers and suspenders, a beard, yoddelishing irish tunes about beer or the green fields, a fiddle and whatever other instruments. Get the picture? Should be pretty easy, we've all seen it before right?
Well Victoria, the mom, started cracking up "What is this? Seriously? Is this a joke?"
Me: "What? Its Irish Music. Thats how it sounds?"
V: "Yeah, but this is for real? hahaha"
Me: "Yeah, they always sing like that. I dont know, is it wierd?"
V: "Yeah but where did these guys come from? Did they just come in together from off the street? haha"
Me: "haha I guess they do look kinda funny. Yeah and they are always singing like that..."
I remember that is how I spent a lot of my first months here..... ayyyy cultural differences.....
Did that make sense? I dont know if i explained it well?
Oh well. for now.